Sunday, January 20, 2008


With Christmas Vacation over, it's pretty much back to the grind at work. This of course has been cutting into my flying hours. Today, I have a chance to continue on my journey across Canada. I've been sitting on the tarmac in Winnipeg for a while not, so it's nice to finally fire up this bird.

This leg is one of the longer ones, It's 824nm to Toronto. I will be pushing the limits of fuel on this one, but not as bad as my last leg. I think for the last leg which is around 1200nm I'm going to have to plan a fuel stop somewhere.

APU is fired up so it's time to do all my preflight so I can get off the ground!
See you in the skies!

Monday, January 7, 2008


I've just departed on the third leg of my journey. This one will bring me to Edmonton (CYEG). Maybe while I'm there I'll get a little shopping in at the West Edmonton Mall. lol. This is another short leg as it's only 624nm, so about 2 hours total.

The weather leaving Yellowknife was miserable again. Rain...

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I'm starting leg two now, I just fired everything up and the external APU is running. I have to work on my flight plan and then get air born.

For leg 2 it's 634nm, which should be too long today at all. If I'm up for it I might even do the Third leg today. Once I get airborne i will update.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Leg one done - CYXY Whitehorse

The first leg is done. The flight wasn't too bad until I had to land. As I approached it was very bad visibility. As I made my way down from 8600 feet down to 7700 feet it started to clear up enough to see the Rwy. I kicked off auto and tried to hand land as I always do.

Suddenly the weather went really bad and I couldn't see anything. I tried to follow my interments in, but I just couldn't get lined up and I new the ground was coming up very soon.

I decided it was not safe as I heard the FO call out 500 feet. I couldn't see a thing. It's time to go around and try again. Gear up, flaps up Throttle to 75% power.

The Second time is the Charm, this time I kept the auto on a little longer and made sure I could see the runway. Touchdown, nice and smooth. I'm so glad I did a go around. I don't think it would have been a pretty picture if I had tried on the first attempt.

CYYJ-CYXY Coast to Coast

I'm on a new trek now. It's the VIVA Coast to Coast Air Expedition put on by Vancouver Island Virtual Airlines.

Basically we fly across Canada, stopping at all provincial and territorial capital cities, as well as the national capital. We are to fly in one plane the whole time. For this I finally decided to take the CJ1. Some of the legs are short so I figured this would be best for this. I was going to take the Citation X, but it's just too fast for something like this.

The route is...

(taken from the forum)

The capitals are (in order to be flown to) 1 Victoria (CYYJ - the starting point), 2 Whitehorse (CYXY), 3 Yellowknife (CYZF), 4 Edmonton (CYEG), 5 Regina (CYQR), 6 Winnipeg (CYWG), 7 Toronto (CYTZ, CYYZ if needed), 8 Ottawa (CYOW), 9 Quebec (CYQB), 10 Fredericton (CYFC), 11 Charlottetown (CYYG), 12 Halifax (CYHZ), 13 St. John's (CYYT) and finally 14 Iqaluit (CYFB).

So I have departed Victoria and I am airborne now. This is one of the longer legs of the flight and pushing the range of the CJ1. I'm going to have to watch my fuel on this leg.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

PAJN landing in bad weather

PAJN in bad weather

I did a small flight again today in the Eaglesoft CJ1, using FSX. Fun little jet to fly.
I flew from CYBL-PANJ. If your up for a challenge, try landing this airport. It has an offset ILS that brings you down to a hill, then you have to turn and land visually. In bad weather it's a real challenge.

Here's a slideshow of it.