Touchdown in Toronto again. The winds were a little Strong coming in, but that was the least of my problems. As I was flying the STAR in (standard Terminal Arrival), my auto pilot starting acting up. This was around 20 000 to 18 000 feet, for some strange reason I was diving to the ground. I was on much too steep of an angle. Thank goodness, cargo don't complain too much. I felt like a dive bomber. I think what's programmed into the FMC is wrong in terms of trying to reach proper crossing Altitudes. This caused the aircraft to dive down too much to make it's requested altitude.
I kicked off Auto and hand flew the WTRLO2 arrival in. For the most part I was able to maintain a nice profile in, the only real challenge was trying to turn to final a little early and talk to ATC. The approach Controller who was on likes to give you really short finals. This is great if your in a hurry to get down. Anyway as I was turning the nose likes to pitch up so I started gaining altitude. This could be a PSS thing or just me, who knows.
Well I managed to make the turn to final but the winds were pushing me a bit. I think I was too heavy for the landing because my touch down speed was 150 kts in a 757. That's quick. It was a balancing act trying to slow down and deploy flaps without ripping them off. If I slow down too much for flaps, I stall.

On the other side of the airport another aircraft was landing rwy24R. I didn't catch what type it was, but I believe it was a small plane.
Parked and shut down for the night all snug at the Vista Terminal in Toronto.
Remember: Take-offs is optional, Landings are Mandatory.
1 comment:
Nice site. I wish I could fly online buy haven't been able to get it to work right.
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