A new day, a new flight. I decided today I would fly some cargo flights. I'm in a Boeing 757-200 taking off out of KDEN (Denver) and going to CYYZ (Toronto). I think there is some light snow in Toronto.
The 757 was really heavy on take off, I took almost all of rwy35L to lift off. It's at it's max weight! The flight is not a very long one, only 2 - 3 hours. Total distance is 1184nm, I'm cruising now at fl330. It looks like I will stay at that alt for the flight.
I kinda like doing this Blogging while flying, It's a nice way to track my journey. Allot of people would think this is a waste of time flying (not flight simmers), but I've learned so much about the world by doing this. I find it really fascinating as I fly in European airspace and talk to ATC who is from there. I feel like I'm really visiting

Here is a picture from the flight deck as I taxi out. I fly with 2 22inch monitors and the screen stretched out between them. It's incredible the perspective and sensation you get flying this way. This picture is a little squished to show you what I see, as the displays are not that far away from me.
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