I must say, that was a scary landing. The weather in Toronto is bad so I had to use Auto-Land. I don't usually like to auto land the aircraft unless the weather dictates. Well in this case it did. I was cleared for the ILS6L CatII approach into YYZ. As I descended closer to the ground I watch out my window, all I could see was my reflection back. I think I must have checked all the settings 10 times on final to ensure that everything was set up correctly.
1000 feet agl, still no ground or airport in sight. Check everything again! I'm on the GS (glide slope) and I have the LOC (localize).
500 feet agl, again nothing outside the window but snow, and lots off it. Usually you can see the rwy lights, but nothing
400 feet agl auto pilot calls out. Nothing. Everything checks out for a auto-land. Flare and Roll out set. At this point I'm really hoping I didn't forget anything and there is actually a rwy underneath me.
100 feet agl, there it is!!!! I'm too close now, so I will let auto pilot land.
50 feet, 40 feet, 20 feet 10 feet, touchdown, I reach for the reverse thrust. Brakes are engaged. Now I have to try and keep it on the rwy. I slide a little to the left because of the wind and snow.
80 kts. Reverse off, Tower calls, "West Jet 703 exit next left when able. Call ground on 121.65"
"Ground West Jet 703 is clear of rwy6L, looking to taxi to terminal 3 please".
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